2023 Summer Concerts in McKinley Park – Trombones Plus

McKinley Park 1000 McKinley Park Drive, Marion, OH, United States

The Summer concerts in McKinley Park series is produced by the Marion Concert Band, William Swihart, Director. We are a 501 (c) (3) Non Profit Organization. Your donations to help defer the cost of these concerts would be much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

2023 Summer Concerts in McKinley Park – Spittin’ Image

McKinley Park 1000 McKinley Park Drive, Marion, OH, United States

The Summer concerts in McKinley Park series is produced by the Marion Concert Band, William Swihart, Director. We are a 501 (c) (3) Non Profit Organization. Your donations to help defer the cost of these concerts would be much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

2023 Summer Concerts in McKinley Park – Marion Concert Band

McKinley Park 1000 McKinley Park Drive, Marion, OH, United States

The Summer concerts in McKinley Park series is produced by the Marion Concert Band, William Swihart, Director. We are a 501 (c) (3) Non Profit Organization. Your donations to help defer the cost of these concerts would be much appreciated. Thank you for your support.